3D printing

World's Largest Search Engine for 3D Printable Models Launched

What Google, Bing or Yahoo did for searching and finding content and information on the internet, new search engine IFind3D will do for printable 3D models. Users consider the launch of the search engine to be a huge step towards maturity of the consumer 3D printing industry.

After a developing period of 1.5 years 3D Ninja, the largest reseller of 3D printers in The Netherlands, officially launches http://www.ifind3d.com, the world's largest search engine for 3D printable models, containing 740.029 designs. IFind3D combines all online libraries for 3D printable models in one fast and responsive engine, making it easy for end users to find 3D printable models.

The 3D market is booming. 3D printers are starting to get more affordable, even for consumers. Quality consumer grade 3D printers can already be bought for as low as 300 USD.

The developers of IFind3D compare the increasing market with the early days of the internet. Before the arrival of large search engine giants like Google, Bing and Yahoo it was quite hard to find quality content online. After just a few years these companies where starting to play an important role in the world, making our lives a lot easier. 3D Ninja expects IFind3D to do the same for the 3D printing industry, making it a lot easier for people to find printable 3D models.

At the moment almost 70 percent of all online libraries and repositories are connected. IFind3D counts over 700.000 unique results and is expecting to have 90 percent of all worldwide 3D printable designs indexed in the search engine before the end of 2017.

IFind3D uses state of the art algorithms, assuring the best results are served at all time, using almost 100 different variables by integrating an AI services using IBM's supercomputer 'Watson'.

The start-up cleared a budget of 250.000 Euros over a five year time span, making it the fifth large 3D printing start-up in The Netherlands so far.

16.05.2017 | Autor Kaido Einama   -> Drucken


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