World's biggest robotics challenge this week in Tallinn

A record-breaking number of teams have signed up for Robotex

1132 teams have signed up for Robotex this year. It is more than the previous Guinness record of 1075 teams at the VEX Worlds robot competition that took place in the United States in April 2016.

Robotex, the biggest robotics competition in Europe from last year, is aiming to be the largest in the world next year, in connection to the 100 th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia.

“Estonia’s success story-to- come will be the extensive robotics skills among children and the youth, which will provide them with interesting and profitable jobs,” says Mart Laul, Project Manager of Robotex 2016. “We will be going for the official world record next year, this year we have concentrated on introducing even younger children to the world of robotics,” adds Laul.

The 1132 robots and 2653 competitors from about 20 countries can be cheered for on the 2 nd -4 th of December in the Tallinn University of Technology sports hall. In addition to the robotics competitions, you can attend the extensive technology exhibition, free workshops and a space robotics conference with international speakers.

Robotex is held by Tallinn University of Technology.

Co-organizers of Robotex are University of Tartu and the Information Technology Foundation for Education.

Robotex Gold Sponsors are CDP Technologies Estonia, Eesti Energia, Oomipood and VEX Robotics.

Major sponsors are Stoneridge, Interflux Eesti, Duroc Machine Tool, Ldiamon, Ensto Ensek, iRobot, Norma, Abplanalp Estee, Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications, Starship Technologies and TRINAMIC Motion Control.

Robotex sponsors are Tehnopol, Toftan, Proekspert, Harju Elekter,, Hoiame Kokku Grupp, Baltic Steel Center, 3K Group, Techgroup, Flir, PKC Group, Metaprint, ELFA Distrelec, Artec Design, Perel Eesti, ETS Nord, eKool, Helmes, Rekato, Baltflex, FinEst steel, Defendec, Eesti Elecster, Igus, Arrow, Viking Motors, Shaperize, Klotsipood, Saku Õlletehas, Daetwyler Industries, Skeleton Technologies, YE International, Robomiku, Tehnikamaailm, Tehnoturg, Cybernetica, Erply, Eventtents, Netroo.

Supporters of Robotex are Merinvest, M.A Group, TTÜ mehaanikateaduskonna üliõpilasnõukogu, MTÜ Robootika, TTÜ Robotiklubi, Eesti Masinatööstuse Liit, Eesti Elektroonikatööstuse Liit, ITT Group, Rantelon, E-Service, I & T Metall, Energiasää, Balsnack, Nortal, Vendomar, City Motors, Innokas, Imeline Teadus, Minu Maailm, Inseneeria, OGOGO, Ordi, Taxify, Tomson Trade, Red Bull, Elme Messer Gaas, CV Online Eesti, Eesti Maaülikool, Tallinna Lauluväljak, PVK Trading, Oshino Electronics Estonia, Tere, Hobimaailm.

Source: Robotex

28.11.2016 | Autor Kaido Einama   -> Drucken


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