Latvian startup will make ordinary cars self-driving

Your old car can be self-driving for $999

Pilot Automotive Labs is developing autonomous cars by building PILOT - self learning and connected plugin device for any car.


PILOT test drive in Tartu this year.

This is how rooftop module looks.


Driverless cars can decrease 1,2 million traffic deaths every year, says Pilot Automotive Labs in introduction of their PILOT device, what will increase safety and driving comfort and decreases insurance costs in future.

PILOT is easy to install DIY hardware plugin (PILOT roof module + CockPIT Android Tablet & App) for any car. Roof module features 4 HD Cameras, Infrared camera, 8 Ultrasonic sensors, Long range RADAR and LTE connection, GPS, IMU, light and temperature sensors, which altogether provide customer benefits like Parking Assistance,

28.04.2016 | Autor Kaido Einama - Fachinformationen ausschlißlich online